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Surf spot: Gedser

Best wave spot on Falster.

South of the marina, where you have good parking, areas with grass and sandy beach. This spot offers great waves and completely flat water at the same time.

Rødsand which is a huge sandbank is located just off the coast of Gedser. On the inside there is a large area with shallow water with no rocks or mussel banks.

On the other side of Rødsand it is almost always possible to find side shore winds and good waves.

Pay attention to the seals at Rødsand and note that it is not allowed to go ashore at Rødsand in the period March 1 to September 30. Show respect for migrating birds during spring and autumn. 

Be careful not to go too close to the ferry port. NB! There is a strong current in the navigation channel. 

Wind directions:
S - SW - W - NW. 

Parking, toilet, water, barbeque area, tables/benches, shopping (groceries), tourist information, restaurant/café.

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