Museum Obscurum
Museum Obscurum
The dangerous, the mysterious and the inexplicable attracts us and peeks our curiosity. And so it was, that our curiosity drove us on that fateful day in the summer of 2017, where we found a well-hidden and forgotten door at the museum in Færgestræde.
Behind the door we found crates stuffed with artefacts, all from a previous owner of the house, Cornelius S.C. Rödder, who was a passionate collector and explorer.
At the museum, we have tried to recreate the home of Cornelius using diaries, records and scripts from the protagonist himself. Enter the museum and see if you can discover his secret collection, the darker and more gloomy part of his curio cabinet. Let yourself be enchanted by the enigmatic objects found behind the hidden door, and meet the peculiar stuffed animals like the pufferfish and the platypus, not to mention the werewolf and the tiny dragon.
And remember to ask yourself: “Is this real?”
Theme evenings: Enter the darkness at. 20:00
Changing themes of the tours in the exhibit; Museum Obscurum.
Min. 10 people and max. 25. Participation requires prior registration.
When: Last Thursday of the month, excluding June, July and August.