Canoe/Kayak Trip: Tour Onsevig - Onsevig vig, approx. 3 km
Did you know, that you can see this route and many other nature experiences in the app “Naturlandet”. The app can be downloaded in App Store or Google Play. All information is accessible in English, Danish and German – the app is FOR FREE.
Parking / starting point:
Onsevig Harbour, Byskovvej 114, 4913 Horslunde
The tours start from the landing bridge with parking in front of the Club house.
Special conditions:
In the inner part of the creek it is advisable to row on the western side of the navigation channel as the rest of the water is quite muddy.
Tour description/experiences:
In the lower part of the creek lies the sluice to the Marbæk Channel. After rainy weather, it may occur that the sluice gate is open and you can go approx. 0.5 km up the channel. Here you can see herons, swans and ducks. It is possible to go ashore on the opposite bank of the creek at ”Nøjsomheden”.